Rat control is important in order to avoid a number of serious diseases, which rats are known to transmit. The Center for Disease Control lists nearly a dozen diseases directly linked to rats.
Rats can be very persistent and if they manage to gain access into your home or business they can spread these diseases, cause considerable damage and contaminate food.
Rats can damage your home’s insulation. They can chew through floor joists and walls. They can cause fires by chewing on electrical cables. Rats undermine hill sides, retaining walls and other similar structures through their burrowing activity. Even having rats in the yard and outside can present a tremendous risk, particularly since those areas are visited by children and pets
As nocturnal creatures, rats are most active between dusk and dawn and usually hide from humans during the day. It is often easier to spot the signs of a rat problem rather than the actual pest itself.
Rat Droppings – tend to be found in concentrated areas as rats produce up to 40 droppings per night. Brown rat droppings are dark brown in a tapered, spindle shape resembling a large grain of rice.
Scratching Noises – black rats in particular are agile climbers, earning them their common name – the roof rat. They can easily gain access into loft spaces and upper floors of buildings, so scratching noises at night may suggest their presence. Brown rats on the other hand, are less adept climbers. You may hear them scurrying under decking, sheds and floorboards. They are more likely to be identified by a grinding noise they make with their teeth known as bruxing.
Footprints (running tracks) – Rats leave foot and tail marks in dusty, less-used areas of buildings. Shining a strong torch at a low angle should reveal tracks clearly. To establish if a rat infestation is active, sprinkle fine flour or talc along a small stretch of floor near the footprints and check for fresh tracks the next day.
Rub Marks – rats use established routes along skirting boards and walls due to their poor eyesight. Grease and dirt on their bodies leave smudges and dark marks on both objects and surfaces they repeatedly brush against. These marks may indicate rodent activity, but as smears may remain for a long period of time, they are not a good gauge of an active infestation.
Rat holes – brown rats are well known for digging and excavating extensive burrow systems for shelter, food storage and nesting. They build rat burrows next to solid objects or structures (decking, garden sheds, garages etc.) and rat holes are also found in secluded, well vegetated areas such as gardens and wasteland.
Rat Nests – not only will they nest in burrows, rat nests can be found in lofts, attics, crawlspaces, under eaves and even in cavity walls. They will shred available materials such as loft insulation, cardboard and other soft items to make nests.
- Plague
- Murine typhus fever
- Rat bite fever
- Salmonella poisoning
- Leptospirosis
- Trichinosis
- Rabies.
- Close/ repair dumpsters and garbage containers.
- Clean food spills and don’t allow food to be left overnight.
- For outdoors; remove seeds spilled with bird feeds.
- In warehouse; look for food around road tracks, loading tracks
- For compounds; remove high grass, weeds, wood piles, and construction debris (because rats hide near buildings).
- For indoors; reduce clutter in rarely used rooms, basements, storage rooms, equipment rooms.
- Rat proofing (exclusion); Most successful form of rat control is to build them out usually performed to prevent re-infesting.
- Sealing cracks and holes in building foundations and walls and block opening around water and sewer pipes, electric lines.
- Snap traps; used in areas where rodenticides are considered risky or not working well.
- Tracking powder; rats groom themselves by licking their far and kills when water and food are less and bait shy.
- Bait boxes; This is a tamper proof bait that is designed so that a child vent get to the bait inside and also they are clearly labelled.
- Glue boards; Used against mice and placed in same locations as the traps. They shouldn’t be placed directly over food products, secure board with nail or wire place glue boards in bait station.
Wondering how to catch a rat? Do you have a rat infestation and are planning on eliminating rats with rat poison, rat bait or rat traps?
First things first: there is no single rat killer product that can offer a 100% guarantee to completely exterminate rats. If rat control is not implemented quickly and effectively, an infestation can quickly spread. A wide range of DIY products to kill rats – such as rat traps and rat poison – are available in your local supermarket, and these may be partly effective in dealing with rats in low risk areas.
Rat poison is mostly sold in corrosion, or finished bait form. There are also various contact dust and gels are available from supermarkets that attach to the fur of rats and is spread and consumed during their cleaning reflex. The are two different types of rodenticide available to kill rats:
- Single feed rodenticide: This is not the preferred product around your home or in sensitive environments, as there may be risk of secondary poisoning. For example, if your cat consumes a rat that has ingested the bait, there could be an adverse effect on your pet.
- Multi feed rodenticide: This poses less risk of secondary poisoning, although primary poisoning may still exist. This means the placement and type ofbait station plays an important role.
It is often easier to spot signs of a problem, rather than the actual pest. Rat droppings, scratching noises, footprints (running tracks), distinctive smell, rub marks, damage, nests and burrows.
Rats in your property doesn’t necessarily mean your place is dirty. Rats are attracted to anywhere there is food, water and shelter. Only small holes are required for a rat to squeeze through.
There are common treatments you can undertake such as traps, but we strongly recommend a professional service due to the damage rats can cause to property, causing fires through chewing of cables and the potential to carry disease.
Other than traditional traps, there are bait stations with the bait, or rodenticide, that is used being safe to use even in areas where there are children and pets.
Our qualified, licensed and trained technicians use a range of different rodenticides when controlling rats.
Rats are filthy and can spread disease as well as chew anything including wires, pipes and insulation. Rat droppings can be hazardous and they leave urine anywhere they go.
Professional rat removal is the quickest and most effective way to get rid of rats. Expert services offer a reliable form of rat control.